Posts tagged fitness
Health Tip Reminders for Autumn!

Though an overall fitness plan involves better eating and more physical activity, as well as setting aside some time for self-care, the most important thing you can do to get yourself moving in the right direction is to get your diet under control. Food is your body’s fuel, and how you feel and what you look like is a direct result of what you eat. If your goal is to lose weight and feel better, it has to start with nutrition.

Here are some tips to help keep you on the path to healthy eating, presented by Mosaic Fitness and Nutrition.

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How to Get Ready for Your First 5K

If you are interested in running a 5K, finding a race in your area is only the first step. Distance running requires both mental and physical training and can be arduous on both counts. It also requires essential gear such as a fitness tracker or smart watch. For those who manage to finish the task, however, the rewards are great: "Runner's high" has been shown to be a real source of addiction, with people thriving off of the rush of feel-good endorphins that are produced by the exertion of intensive exercise. If you want to successfully complete your first 5K and reap the rewards of this feeling,

Follow these tips from Mosaic Fitness + Nutrition while training.

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Run with your Heart ❤️

“When your legs 🦵🏼 can’t run anymore, run with your heart” ❤️

Running saved me in so many ways. This track from Frontier High School developed in me the perseverance, confidence, and discipline I needed and brought into my adult life.
I am so grateful for the coaches, teammates who pushed me beyond what I thought I was capable of back then. It was a moment in time, I visited especially through cancer & recovery.

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No Excuses, Just Results Part 1

Back in 2005 the motto we had for our Bootcamp program at Lifetime Fitness was; “No Excuses, Just Results.”  As the program designer of the Bootcamp program the personal training department ran, I made sure every workout gave the participants a fitness challenge, fun and results.  The program was 5 days a week so if you cam every day, participants were bound to get results. 

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