How to Shatter Unhealthy Behaviors

Happy Thrive Day!

Do you remember the 90’s Nike slogan “Just Do It”? it was a great marketing pitch! We bought a lot of Nike gear because of that motivational quip! Unfortunately, we do not always have access to the real skills to unleash our Get-Up & Go girl/guy and many of us are FRUSTRATED with the lack of results in our lives.

What do you think of this statement “Learn to be COMFORTABLE being UNCOMFORTABLE?” It sounds like what a high school coach or a drill sergeant would be screaming during some awful training exercise right??? Yet, think about it how many of us would bring discomfort into our lives purposefully? Even when we know the tough times in life grow us up & deep we want to avoid pain, it’s human nature!

I bet many of us feel uncomfortable now, coming off the highs of the holiday season knowing fully our livers, waistlines & brains can’t maintain that level of hedonism too long. We drag ourselves to the gym, force ourselves to the fruit and vegetable aisle and meet with the group fitness instructors or personal trainers so we can restart and undo the damage!

48% of people will stay committed to their New Years Resolutions and make it a lifestyle!

So let me give you a few ways on how you can shatter unhealthy behaviors and activate sustainable behaviors as you start to feel those commitments begin to wane.

  1. Build your Self-Awareness

  2. Think of your Thoughts as Channels

    “I Can”


    ”I can’t”

  3. Take Action & Go

This week find out what each of these statements mean to you. We all come from different perspectives and have different experiences in our life. I would encourage you to journal this week about each one of these and see what comes up. Which behavior seems most difficult for you? How could learn a different way to think be valuable toward your progress in 2020? Next week I’m going to share more on each one of these categories and provide you with some tools to help you use these strategies in 2020?

If you can’t wait and want to learn more click below and you can listen to my thrive or podcast when I broke this down!

You are meant to THRIVE and not just SURVIVE!

For Fitness & Nutrition tips to help you change your mirror from the inside out join my FB group Mosaic Fitnuts or check out my website for more blogs
