Posts tagged anguish
A Letter to a New Cancer Patient

“Wanting to be someone else, is a waste of the person you are” ~Marilyn Monroe

I was diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer in 2015, a few months after my 40th birthday. I was devastated. Why would this happen to me? I was the poster child of health & fitness in all the ways one can be “healthy". One thing I could come up with after months and months of agonizing and fighting this diagnosis, unwilling to accept the fate of living with a permanent colostomy bag after being inundated with poisonous chemicals and radiation….I had lived for 20 years with chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease.

My immune system was compromised from mono when I was a teen and the standard american college diet of processed foods & alcohol contributed to my gut permeability but this was misunderstood in the late 1990’s. So I adapted to chronic bloating, constipation, fatigue and pushed through changing my lifestyle and diet at 24 with very little change in symptoms and several GI doctors telling me to just eat more fiber (which I was).

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